About Me

Hi.I'm Sophie. I'm 18 this year. What's LV stands for? It stands for Lee Vei(My english-chinese name). I'm a Malaysian, know only the languages of Mandarin, English and a little bit of Malay. I'm a quiet person but sometimes i have some wild moments that most of the people don't know. haha. I'm a lazy person. Love to wake up in the afternoon. Most of all, I love to EAT. super duper love! But good thing is, I won't get fat. :P
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Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Assignments, assignments, assignments!!

Everyday assignments. My sleeping time are all shorten. Made my face's pimples more worst! omg.
Taking this course, really has no free time at all! The assignments this time is getting harder and harder. Feel like dying already. ==. But I won't give up my dream. so, GAMBATEH!

Now's the time to reveal my sculptures!






I finished these at 4am. And i have two hours of sleep only, and I had to attend 8 hours of class after that.  oh my lord~

At last I've showed my work to my lecturer, and the final she said combine the no.1 and no.3 together. So i have to do it again. The no.2, she said it's too complicated, try think of something else. Others she didn't talking about it. lol.

So stay tune for my next sculpture designs! <3